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Let’s Succumb to Peer Pressure

First published in The CSR Journal Whether you have been following my articles or not, I am sure you are well aware that the world of equal opportunities is not waiting just around the next corner to pleasantly surprise us. It is far-far away given the crawling pace of change. If you thought that technology...Read More

Pedestals come at a cost. Huge cost!

First published in The CSR Journal. No, I do not intend to discuss politics. I will stick to my commitment of keeping the conversations around Gender Neutrality going and growing. If you have read my book We-Men@Work , you already know that I love wordplay. I feel that every word has much more to offer...Read More

Men and Women are NOT Equal. Period.

First published in The CSR Journal “Chums”, “that time of the month”, “monthly” (!), aunty-ji, “unwell” – the list is unending! Almost every school, every city and every family has a code name for periods. While the colours of blue and pink are attributed to the two genders at the baby shower parties even before...Read More